Cardiac Calcium Scoring

Diagnostic Cardiac Catheterization

Angiograms or x-rays of the inside of heart vessels are performed in the Cardiac Catheterization or Cath Lab. If blocked vessels are found, they can often be treated while in the lab.

Electrocardiography (EKGs) and Holter Monitoring Studies

In and outpatient services include routine and emergency electrocardiogram tracings and other monitoring devices.

Nuclear Medicine Studies

A contrast agent is used to help physicians see the function and efficiency of the heart.

Echocardiogram »

Sound waves are used to evaluate the structure and function of the valves and chambers of the heart.

Treadmill Testing

This test helps a doctor find out how well your heart handles work. As your body works harder during the test, it requires more oxygen, so the heart must pump more blood. The test can show if the blood supply is reduced in the arteries that supply the heart. It also helps doctors know the kind and level of exercise appropriate for a patient. Heart rate, breathing, blood pressure, electrocardiogram (e-lek"tro-KAR'de-o-gram) (ECG or EKG), and how tired you feel are monitored during the test.